Monday, March 29, 2010

This makes me feel better.

i couldn't put the real video because embedding was disabled. WAMP WAMP.

listening to this song always makes me feel better about being alone. because all the things that she lists that she can do actually do make me feel better about life. and the fact that everything is better than being with mister nowhere makes me love this song like an anthem because of the irony. everything compares and it is so much better.

mister raquetball pensacola is such a weenie. not only does he bore me, but i am pretty sure all he is looking for is sex. the thing is, that's fine. but, he's horrible about being a guy just looking for sex. like, be a man about it! and know how to talk the talk. good god, boys are so boring.

on a different note, i think living this life of celibacy is much healthier for my brain. just me and the toney bean, relaxing in the bed, listening to music. i think sex makes me crazy. it is the only conclusion i can draw. when i have best guy friends and spend all my time with them and do everything with them, it is wonderful and fine and happy. as soon as you factor sex into the relationship, goodbye sanity.

maybe i should stop being such a big wussy. yeah, i think that is the answer to everything.

did i even ask any questions?

1 comment:

  1. celibacy keeps you strong. why do you think the vatican is so powerful?

    but then again i am biased.
